# weeheavy's DZ60 layout * Default 2.25 left shift * arrow cluster ## Layouts The base layout is ANSI QWERTY. Key sizes (ASCII keyboards below match this scale): 1u = 4 chars = | | 1.25u = 5 chars = | | 1.5u = 6 chars = | | 1.75u = 7 chars = | | 2u = 8 chars = | | 2.25u = 9 chars = | | 2.75u = 11 chars = | | 6.25u = 25 chars = | | ### Layer 0: Base layout Specialities: * Arrow cluster * FN: access to layer 1 ``` ,----------------------------------------------------------. |Es||1 ||2 ||3 ||4 ||5 ||6 ||7 ||8 ||9 ||0 ||- ||= || Bksp | |----------------------------------------------------------+ |Tab ||Q ||W ||E ||R ||T ||Y ||U ||I ||O ||P ||[ ||] || \ | |----------------------------------------------------------+ |Caps ||A ||S ||D ||F ||G ||H ||J ||K ||L ||; ||' || Enter | |----------------------------------------------------------+ | Shift ||Z ||X ||C ||V ||B ||N ||M ||, ||. ||/ || Shift | |----------------------------------------------------------+ |Ctl||Win||Alt|| Space |FN||← ||↑ ||↓ ||→ | `----------------------------------------------------------' ``` ### Layer 1: Utility Specialities: * F1-F12 keys when holding FN * Multimedia cluster on the bottom right * RGB config on the left hand side * Reset key on ESC and backslash location * Brightness control top right * Additional "B" key (a learning from my mistakes)