Copyright 2013 Jun Wako <wakojun@gmail.com>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "progmem.h"

typedef uint8_t macro_t;

#define MACRO_NONE (macro_t *)0
#define MACRO(...)                                          \
    ({                                                      \
        static const macro_t __m[] PROGMEM = {__VA_ARGS__}; \
        &__m[0];                                            \
#define MACRO_GET(p) pgm_read_byte(p)

// Sends press when the macro key is pressed, release when release, or tap_macro when the key has been tapped
#define MACRO_TAP_HOLD(record, press, release, tap_macro) (((record)->event.pressed) ? (((record)->tap.count <= 0 || (record)->tap.interrupted) ? (press) : MACRO_NONE) : (((record)->tap.count > 0 && !((record)->tap.interrupted)) ? (tap_macro) : (release)))

// Holds down the modifier mod when the macro key is held, or sends macro instead when tapped
#define MACRO_TAP_HOLD_MOD(record, macro, mod) MACRO_TAP_HOLD(record, (MACRO(D(mod), END)), MACRO(U(mod), END), macro)

// Holds down the modifier mod when the macro key is held, or pressed a shifted key when tapped (eg: shift+3 for #)
#define MACRO_TAP_SHFT_KEY_HOLD_MOD(record, key, mod) MACRO_TAP_HOLD_MOD(record, (MACRO(I(10), D(LSFT), T(key), U(LSFT), END)), mod)

// Momentary switch layer when held, sends macro if tapped
#define MACRO_TAP_HOLD_LAYER(record, macro, layer)                                                         \
    (((record)->event.pressed) ? (((record)->tap.count <= 0 || (record)->tap.interrupted) ? ({             \
        layer_on((layer));                                                                                 \
        MACRO_NONE;                                                                                        \
    })                                                                                                     \
                                                                                          : MACRO_NONE)    \
                               : (((record)->tap.count > 0 && !((record)->tap.interrupted)) ? (macro) : ({ \
                                     layer_off((layer));                                                   \
                                     MACRO_NONE;                                                           \

// Momentary switch layer when held, presses a shifted key when tapped (eg: shift+3 for #)
#define MACRO_TAP_SHFT_KEY_HOLD_LAYER(record, key, layer) MACRO_TAP_HOLD_LAYER(record, MACRO(I(10), D(LSFT), T(key), U(LSFT), END), layer)

void action_macro_play(const macro_t *macro_p);
#    define action_macro_play(macro)

/* Macro commands
 *   code(0x04-73)                      // key down(1byte)
 *   code(0x04-73) | 0x80               // key up(1byte)
 *   { KEY_DOWN, code(0x04-0xff) }      // key down(2bytes)
 *   { KEY_UP,   code(0x04-0xff) }      // key up(2bytes)
 *   WAIT                               // wait milli-seconds
 *   INTERVAL                           // set interval between macro commands
 *   END                                // stop macro execution
 * Ideas(Not implemented):
 *   modifiers
 *   system usage
 *   consumer usage
 *   unicode usage
 *   function call
 *   conditionals
 *   loop
enum macro_command_id {
    /* 0x00 - 0x03 */
    END = 0x00,

    /* 0x04 - 0x73 (reserved for keycode down) */

    /* 0x74 - 0x83 */
    WAIT = 0x74,

    /* 0x84 - 0xf3 (reserved for keycode up) */

    /* 0xf4 - 0xff */

/* TODO: keycode:0x04-0x73 can be handled by 1byte command  else 2bytes are needed
 * if keycode between 0x04 and 0x73
 *      keycode / (keycode|0x80)
 * else
 *      {KEY_DOWN, keycode} / {KEY_UP, keycode}
#define DOWN(key) KEY_DOWN, (key)
#define UP(key) KEY_UP, (key)
#define TYPE(key) DOWN(key), UP(key)
#define WAIT(ms) WAIT, (ms)
#define INTERVAL(ms) INTERVAL, (ms)

/* key down */
#define D(key) DOWN(KC_##key)
/* key up */
#define U(key) UP(KC_##key)
/* key type */
#define T(key) TYPE(KC_##key)
/* wait */
#define W(ms) WAIT(ms)
/* interval */
#define I(ms) INTERVAL(ms)

/* for backward comaptibility */
#define MD(key) DOWN(KC_##key)
#define MU(key) UP(KC_##key)

#endif /* ACTION_MACRO_H */