![Layer 0](https://i.imgur.com/iRwr7si.png)

![Layer 1](https://i.imgur.com/b2qwYdR.png)

# R167 massdrop ctrl

The main layer is a ~standard QWERTY layout with the ALT/GUI swap for macOS
in addition to shifting the `Fn` key one to the right so cmd/alt line up nicely.
Addionally, I rarely use PgUp/Dn, so I've remapped those to volume control.

The most interesting bit is the shortcut `Fn + Esc` which triggers the macOS sleep
shortcut (`CMD + ALT + Eject`) and then disables LEDs since the computer will wake up
peripherals even while the display is asleep. Keyboard is returned to all LEDs on after
pressing any key.