# Emoji Keymap  # Unicode Setup Unicode input in QMK works by inputting a sequence of characters to the OS, sort of like a macro. Unfortunately, the way this is done differs for each platform. Specifically, each platform requires a different combination of keys to trigger Unicode input. Therefore, a corresponding input mode has to be set in QMK. Documentation: [Feature Unicode](https://beta.docs.qmk.fm/features/feature_unicode#input-modes) On this keymap the default unicode mode it's `UC_LNX`. You can change it permanently tapping 2 times the KeyOne to select the next mode. ## Unicode Mode List - UC_LNX - UC_OSX - UC_WIN - UC_WINC # Keymap To add more functionality to this Minimal Keyboard, it's implemented the tap dance feature, so pressing the same key multiples times will produce different emojis. ## Key One - 1 Tap: `¯\_(ツ)_/¯` - 2 Taps: Switch Unicode Input Type ## Key Two - 1 Tap: `ಠ_ಠ` - 2 Taps: `(ノಠ痊ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻` - 3 Taps: `╭∩╮(-_-)╭∩╮` - 4 Taps: `(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ` - 5 Taps: `(︺︹︺)`