Albert Y cbabc8dbe6
[Core] Replace Tapping Force Hold feature with Quick Tap Term (#17007)
* Replace Tapping Force Hold feature with Quick Tap Term

* Replace keyboard level TAPPING_FORCE_HOLD with QUICK_TAP_TERM 0

* Deprecate force hold in info_config.json

* Before and after quick tap term unit tests

* Quick tap unit tests iteration

* Keymap config.h correction

* Remove TAPPING_FORCE_HOLD_PER_KEY macros that were missed

* Add two more test cases for quick tap

* Replace TAPPING_FORCE_HOLD with QUICK_TAP_TERM in configs #2


* Add function declaration for get_quick_tap_term

Co-authored-by: Stefan Kerkmann <karlk90@pm.me>
2022-12-12 16:52:22 +01:00
config.h [Core] Replace Tapping Force Hold feature with Quick Tap Term (#17007) 2022-12-12 16:52:22 +01:00
keymap.c [Core] Replace Tapping Force Hold feature with Quick Tap Term (#17007) 2022-12-12 16:52:22 +01:00
readme.md ergodox_ez/stamm update (#11236) 2020-12-23 16:34:33 +11:00
rules.mk [Keymap] Add stamm layout for ergodox_ez (#10365) 2020-09-21 22:12:29 -07:00

Stamm layouts for ergodox_ez

4 layers:

  • Numbers
  • Mouse
  • Arrows

On home row there are hold dual keys:

  • shift, ctrl, alt, cmd — on the fingers on the left hand
  • cmd, alt, ctrl, shift — mirrored on the finger on the righ hand

Top row behaves like shifter numbers row. Hold E switch to layer with numbers. Hold R switch to mouse controll layer.

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   │⎇ + T│     │     │     │Arrow│                              │     │     │     │     │     │
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Copyright © 2020 Rustam Zagirov. Released under GPL-2.0.