Takeshi ISHII e73f8e942c
Change 'helix/rev2:default' setting to use split_common (#16432)
* add licenses message to helix/rev2 files

* Minimize the processing of helix/rev2/local_features.mk

* Changed helix/rev2 default setting to use split_common

* fix helix/rev2:edvorakjp build error

* Remove unnecessary '#include' from keymap.c

* helix keymaps Workaround for build errors. five_rows_jis, fraanrosi, froggy, froggy_106, yshrsmz

* Revert "fix helix/rev2:edvorakjp build error"

This reverts commit 731dbbe15155b3efe2ff9f5ad61c7d0cf529e837.
Separated into a single PR #16433.

* Revert "Changed helix/rev2 default setting to use split_common"

This reverts commit e76dbd7762e06e0781ee004213878b1a5029fa98.

* add 'SPLIT_*_STATE_ENABLE' into helix/rev2/config.h

* Revert "helix keymaps Workaround for build errors. five_rows_jis, fraanrosi, froggy, froggy_106, yshrsmz"

This reverts commit 9b316c1c6a532f908f2ac430233089797ce7c794.

* change helix:default to use split_common

* change helix:five_rows to use split_common

* add comment into helix/rev2/rules.mk

* change helix:led_test to use split_common
2022-03-02 20:15:10 +09:00
keymap.c Change 'helix/rev2:default' setting to use split_common (#16432) 2022-03-02 20:15:10 +09:00
oled_display.c [Core] Change OLED task function to be boolean (#14864) 2021-11-02 09:42:50 +11:00
rules.mk Change 'helix/rev2:default' setting to use split_common (#16432) 2022-03-02 20:15:10 +09:00

The Default Helix Layout



 ,-----------------------------------------.             ,-----------------------------------------.
 |   `  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |             |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |   0  | Del  |
 |------+------+------+------+------+------|             |------+------+------+------+------+------|
 | Tab  |   Q  |   W  |   E  |   R  |   T  |             |   Y  |   U  |   I  |   O  |   P  | Bksp |
 |------+------+------+------+------+------|             |------+------+------+------+------+------|
 | Ctrl |   A  |   S  |   D  |   F  |   G  |             |   H  |   J  |   K  |   L  |   ;  |  '   |
 | Shift|   Z  |   X  |   C  |   V  |   B  |   [  |   ]  |   N  |   M  |   ,  |   .  |   /  |Enter |
 |Adjust| Esc  | Alt  | GUI  | EISU |Lower |Space |Space |Raise | KANA | Left | Down |  Up  |Right |


 ,-----------------------------------------.             ,-----------------------------------------.
 |   `  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |             |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |   0  | Del  |
 |------+------+------+------+------+------|             |------+------+------+------+------+------|
 | Tab  |   Q  |   W  |   F  |   P  |   G  |             |   J  |   L  |   U  |   Y  |   ;  | Bksp |
 |------+------+------+------+------+------|             |------+------+------+------+------+------|
 | Ctrl |   A  |   R  |   S  |   T  |   D  |             |   H  |   N  |   E  |   I  |   O  |  '   |
 | Shift|   Z  |   X  |   C  |   V  |   B  |   [  |   ]  |   K  |   M  |   ,  |   .  |   /  |Enter |
 |Adjust| Esc  | Alt  | GUI  | EISU |Lower |Space |Space |Raise | KANA | Left | Down |  Up  |Right |


 ,-----------------------------------------.             ,-----------------------------------------.
 |   `  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |             |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |   0  | Bksp |
 |------+------+------+------+------+------|             |------+------+------+------+------+------|
 | Tab  |   '  |   ,  |   .  |   P  |   Y  |             |   F  |   G  |   C  |   R  |   L  | Del  |
 |------+------+------+------+------+------|             |------+------+------+------+------+------|
 | Ctrl |   A  |   O  |   E  |   U  |   I  |             |   D  |   H  |   T  |   N  |   S  |  /   |
 | Shift|   ;  |   Q  |   J  |   K  |   X  |   [  |   ]  |   B  |   M  |   W  |   V  |   Z  |Enter |
 |Adjust| Esc  | Alt  | GUI  | EISU |Lower |Space |Space |Raise | KANA | Left | Down |  Up  |Right |


Priority number name description
high 16 Adjust Functions
4 Raise Numeric charactors
3 Lower Other charactors
2 Dvorak Dvorak leyout
1 Colemak Colemak leyout
low 0 Qwerty QWERTY leyout(base)


 ,-----------------------------------------.             ,-----------------------------------------.
 |   ~  |   !  |   @  |   #  |   $  |   %  |             |   ^  |   &  |   *  |   (  |   )  |      |
 |------+------+------+------+------+------|             |------+------+------+------+------+------|
 |   ~  |   !  |   @  |   #  |   $  |   %  |             |   ^  |   &  |   *  |   (  |   )  |      |
 |------+------+------+------+------+------|             |------+------+------+------+------+------|
 |      |  F1  |  F2  |  F3  |  F4  |  F5  |             |  F6  |   _  |   +  |   {  |   }  |  |   |
 |      |  F7  |  F8  |  F9  |  F10 |  F11 |  (   |   )  |  F12 |      |      | Home | End  |      |
 |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      | Next | Vol- | Vol+ | Play |


 ,-----------------------------------------.             ,-----------------------------------------.
 |   `  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |             |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |   0  | Bksp |
 |------+------+------+------+------+------|             |------+------+------+------+------+------|
 |   `  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |             |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |   0  | Del  |
 |------+------+------+------+------+------|             |------+------+------+------+------+------|
 |      |  F1  |  F2  |  F3  |  F4  |  F5  |             |  F6  |   -  |   =  |   [  |   ]  |  \   |
 |      |  F7  |  F8  |  F9  |  F10 |  F11 |      |      |  F12 |      |      |PageDn|PageUp|      |
 |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      | Next | Vol- | Vol+ | Play |

Adjust (Lower + Raise)

 ,-----------------------------------------.             ,-----------------------------------------.
 |  F1  |  F2  |  F3  |  F4  |  F5  |  F6  |             |  F7  |  F8  |  F9  |  F10 |  F11 |  F12 |
 |------+------+------+------+------+------|             |------+------+------+------+------+------|
 |      | Reset|RGBRST|      |      |      |             |      |      |      |      |      |  Del |
 |------+------+------+------+------+------|             |------+------+------+------+------+------|
 |      |      |      |Aud on|Audoff| Mac  |             | Win  |Qwerty|Colemk|Dvorak|      |      |
 |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |RGB ON| HUE+ | SAT+ | VAL+ |
 |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      | MODE | HUE- | SAT- | VAL- |


see qmk_firmware/keyboards/helix/rev2/keymaps/default/rules.mk

# Helix Spacific Build Options
# you can uncomment and edit follows 7 Variables
#  jp: 以下の7つの変数を必要に応じて編集し、コメントアウトをはずします。
# HELIX_ROWS = 5              # Helix Rows is 4 or 5
# OLED_ENABLE = yes           # OLED_ENABLE
# LOCAL_GLCDFONT = no         # use each keymaps "helixfont.h" insted of "common/glcdfont.c"
# LED_BACK_ENABLE = no        # LED backlight (Enable WS2812 RGB underlight.)
# LED_UNDERGLOW_ENABLE = no   # LED underglow (Enable WS2812 RGB underlight.)
# LED_ANIMATIONS = yes        # LED animations
# IOS_DEVICE_ENABLE = no      # connect to IOS device (iPad,iPhone)


go to qmk top directory.

$ cd qmk_firmware


$ make helix:default                         # with oled
$ make helix/rev2/back:default               # with oled and backlight
$ make HELIX=no-ani helix/rev2/back:default  # with oled and backlight without animation
$ make helix/rev2/under:default              # with oled and underglow
$ make HELIX=no-oled helix:default           # without oled

build (experimental use of split_common with backlight and oled)

$ make helix/rev2/sc:default

flash to keyboard

$ make helix:default:flash                         # with oled
$ make helix/rev2/back:default:flash               # with oled and backlight
$ make HELIX=no-ani helix/rev2/back:default:flash  # with oled and backlight without animation
$ make helix/rev2/under:default:flash              # with oled and underglow
$ make HELIX=no-oled helix:default:flash           # without oled