
I'm a Hacker


This is the portfolio of Wijnand Modderman-Lenstra, or maze as known to most.

IT Security Specialist.

As a Principal Security Engineer specializing in Infrastructure Security, my role extends beyond conventional security responsibilities. I serve as the technical lead, guiding and mentoring a team of security professionals. This involves providing clear technical direction, defining and governing standards, and overseeing the execution of security initiatives.

  • Website:
  • Home: The Netherlands
  • Age: Yes
  • Relationship: Married

I am currently not looking for new career opportunities.


I am currently not looking for career opportunities.



2021 - Present

VzBoT was originally created in 2021 and started as a modification for the popular Tronxy X5A 3D-printer. Over time VzBoT has grown to its fully own printer, focused on high speed printing.

ne2000, eth0, WTH, HAR, OHM, CCCamp, HITB:AMS

2000 - Present

Volunteer and organiser for annual and quadrennial hacker camps in The Netherlands and Germany. I have been involved with logistics, terrain scouting, system administration and have learned a lot of new skills along the way.


2017 - 2021

BrandMeister is a decentralised, global digital communication network for HAM radio operators.


Curating text mode artwork, mainly created on MS-DOS using the famous IBM Code Page 437.

  • PC artworks from 1990 until present day.
  • 16colors (continuation)

Professional Experience

Principal Security Engineer

2019 - Present, Amsterdam, NL

  • Technical leadership in Infrastructure Security.
  • Security Solution Architecture.
  • Strategic planning and decision making.
  • Research & Development.

Senior Security Engineer

2012 - 2017, Amsterdam, NL

  • Define and shape many Security capabilities.
  • Privileged Access Management (PAM).
  • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
  • Regulatory compliance (PCI-DSS, SOx, GDPR, etc.)

Lead Linux Engineer

2009 - 2011

ASP4all, Huizen, NL

Senior Linux Engineer

2007 - 2009

Server Nation, Haarlem, NL

System Administrator

2004-2007, Amsterdam, NL


Detailed contact details are kept private, but feel free to ping me on any of the socials.